Honor Magic 6 Pro has been launched in India, features a 6.8-inch Full HD+ LTPO Quad-Curved OLED display with a peak brightness of 5,000 nits, a refresh rate of 120Hz, and a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset. Dolby Vision and 4320 Hz high-frequency PWM dimming is supported by the display.
The phone has three cameras on its back: a 50MP primary sensor that can be adjusted from f/1.4 to f/2.0, a 50MP ultrawide angle lens that can also be used as a macro sensor, and a 180MP periscope telephoto lens that can be zoomed up to 100x digitally and 2.5x optically. A 50MP front camera with a 3D depth sensor is available for taking selfies and helps with 3D face unlock.
With 66W wireless charging and 80W wired fast charging, the Honor Magic 6 Pro’s 5,600mAh battery can charge from 0% to 100% in less than 40 minutes. It has an Honor E1 Power Enhanced Chip-equipped second-generation silicon-carbon battery that guarantees prolonged use even in bitterly cold temperatures. Four years of OS updates and five years of security patches are promised for the Magic UI 8.0 device, which is based on Android 14.
Additional noteworthy features include dual stereo speakers, Wi-Fi 7, Bluetooth 5.3, NFC, IP68 dust and water resistance, support for up to 12GB of LPDDR5X RAM, and up to 512GB of UFS 4.0 storage. The phone also features two SIM slots, a USB Type-C port, and in-display fingerprint sensors.
Honor Magic 6 Pro Launched in India. Powered by Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 🥷. pic.twitter.com/JctCphVeRw
— TechNews.CC (@TechNewsCC) August 3, 2024
There are two color options for the Honor Magic 6 Pro: black and epi green. Both have a glass or vegan leather back finish. The 12GB RAM and 512GB storage model, priced at ₹89,999, will go on sale on August 15 on Honor’s website, Amazon, and approved physical retailers. Honor has stated that there won’t be a price reduction for a minimum of 180 days. The phone’s performance in terms of audio, battery, camera, display, and selfie capabilities has earned it five DXOMARK 2024 Gold Labels.