Apple announced its latest premium tablet, the iPad Pro (2024), on Tuesday. Unlike the previous model from two years ago, this one comes with a new type of screen called ‘Tandem OLED’. You can choose between an 11-inch or a 13-inch display, both with thinner edges compared to the previous 2022 model.
It runs on iPadOS 17, geared up to 2TB of storage, and driven by Apple’s new M4 chip. Alongside the iPad Pro, Apple also introduced the Apple Pencil Pro and a new Magic Keyboard specially designed for it.
The iPad Pro (2024) is Apple’s most powerful tablet yet, sepcial thanks to its new 10-core M4 chip. It uses less power but performs better than the previous M2 chip. Apple says it has improved AI functions with its upgraded Neural Engine.
The 11-inch and 13-inch iPad Pro (2024) models have impressive displays with OLED technology, offering great colors and brightness. The new models support a refresh rate of 120Hz for smooth operations and visuals. Customers can also choose a Nano-texture display glass for the 1TB and 2TB models.
For cameras, it has a 12-megapixel primary camera, an ultra-wide-angle front camera with Centre Stage, and a LiDAR scanner on the back. It massively supports the Wi-Fi 6E, Bluetooth 5.3, and fast charging via USB Type-C, which also supports Thunderbolt 4 and USB 4.
In the US, the iPad Pro (2024) will support both mmWave and Sub-6 5G connections. It includes Face ID for security and comes in two sizes, with the 13-inch model weighing up to 582g and the 11-inch model weighing up to 446g.
In India, prices start at Rs. 99,900 for the 11-inch Wi-Fi model and go up to Rs. 2,29,900 for the 13-inch Wi-Fi + Cellular model.
Pre-orders for the US start at $999 for the 11-inch model and $1,299 for the 13-inch model.