
Deactivate VBS (Virtualization-based Security) in Windows to increase Gaming Performance?

Gamers have many tips and tricks to optimize their PC gaming experience, often turning to the internet for tips on improving FPS (frames per second) and achieving smoother gameplay. However, with the coming of Windows 11, a new recommendation has surfaced: disabling VBS (virtualization-based security) to purportedly enhance gaming performance. While tweaking system settings for better gaming performance is nothing new, not all suggestions found online are beneficial. In the case of VBS, disabling it isn’t preferred good as it compromises the core security of your computer without significant performance gains.

What is VBS?

VBS, or virtualization-based security, utilizes hardware virtualization to create an isolated environment for the operating system’s core functions, particularly the kernel. This isolation safeguards against potential compromises from viruses or malware by ensuring that kernel code runs within a safe compund or secure, protected environment. One key aspect of VBS is memory integrity, which verifies the authenticity and security of kernel code, preventing unauthorized changes that could compromise system integrity.

Given its critical role in protecting the core functionality of a PC, disabling VBS exposes the system to potential security risks posed by malicious software. Therefore, it’s strongly advised against tampering with VBS settings.

How to check if VBS is enabled in your PC?

To check wheather VBS is enabled on your Windows 11 PC, you can check system information or search for “Core Isolation” in the Start Menu and verify if memory integrity is enabled. However, despite potential performance gains reported by some users after disabling VBS, the security trade-off outweighs any minor improvements in gaming performance.



Windows Feature On or Off VBS


Windows Security Core Isolation VBS


What can you do instead of Disabling the VBS?

Instead of disabling VBS, consider alternative methods to enhance gaming performance:

  • Free up storage space: Maintain enough free space on your primary drive, especially if it’s a solid-state drive (SSD), to prevent performance degradation.
  • Disable startup apps: Minimize the number of apps launching at startup to improve system boot times and overall performance.
  • Disable Xbox Game Bar: Disable the Xbox Game Bar feature, known to cause performance issues, either through system settings or registry edits (ifyour confident in making such changes).
  • Lower game settings: Adjust in-game graphical settings, such as shadows and post-processing, to reduce system strain and boost performance without significant visual compromise.

Manage your system security and explore performance optimization options that don’t compromise core functionality or expose your PC to potential threats.